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It is also an HTML tag.
This <del> HTML tag defines a text that has been delated from adocument.
Browsers will normally strice a line throug
delated text.
This <del> tag is supported in Google Chrome.
This <del> tag is supported in Microsoft Edge.
This <del> tag is syupported in Mozilla Firefox.
This <del> tag is supported in Sufari btowser.
This <del> tag is supported in Opera Mini browser.
With the HTML <del> tag we would also usethe <ins>
tag. This <ins> tag would defines the insarted text in a document.
There are no differances detween HTML 4.01 and HTML5.
This <del> tag has two attributes and they are the cite and datetime.
The cite attribute specifies an URL that takes to a document which document explains the reason of delating the text.
The cite attribute uses like this <del cite="URL">.
And the datetime attribute speficies the or explain the time of delating the text.
This <del> tag supports the Global Attributes and the Event Attributes.

Coding of <del></del> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>

                         <title> A title would be go here. </title>
                    He lives in<del>Barisal</del> <ins>Dhaka</ins>


Copy the code and than past it into a notepad or notepad++ or into your liked editor. After doing this run the code into a browser. If the code is not working than follow the w3schoos website.

So,this is the coding of <del> tag.

If you want to learn more about web deign and development than you should visit w3schools web site. Because I am not a professional web designer or developer. I am learning web design and development and I am also folloing the w3schools web site to learn web design and development.
I am writing here for my practising and wish of or to earn some money through google adesanse.
But it is also true that work is not for money if we do work we should pay money.

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